Thick lip Gouramis
Thick Lipped Gouramis are peaceful, timid and relatively hardy, making them perfect for a beginner aquarist and an attractive addition to a community aquarium. You can keep these Gouramis in pairs or a group of 5 or more individuals.
Good tankmates for the Thick Lipped Gourami could include peaceful Cyprinids such as Rasboras, Danios, and some of the smaller gentle Barbs, so can Tetras and Rainbowfish. Smaller Loaches like the Kuhli Loach, Corydoras Catfish and Otocinclus will also make excellent tankmates. However, it would be better to avoid much larger, more boisterous species or fish that are notorious for fin nippings, such as Tiger Barbs and Clown Barbs. Larger, more aggressive fish like Cichlids would also be best avoided. Make sure you do not keep these Gouramis with the closely-related banded or giant Gouramis, as these can hybridise freely.