Trimar Aquaria and Reptiles
Reptile Care Sheets
Our colleagues at Monkfield Reptile have put together a fantastic and accurate collection of Reptile & Invertebrate care sheets that we highly recommend - you can visit their collection by clicking below. Whilst we recommend Monkfield Reptile and the information that they provide, the link below will open their website which we are not responsible for.

As a livestock breeder, retailer and provider, we are acutely aware of the responsibility that we have towards both the animals that we deal with and the environment. Here at Trimar Aquaria and Reptiles, we are totally committed to ensuring that our standards and practices are beyond reproach and that the services that we provide are conducted in a manner that considers the welfare of all of our animals as the top priority.
We source all of our livestock with integrity and all of our staff are fully conversant with the correct care and welfare requirements of all animals that we supply. Before we make any sales, we ensure that our customers are similarly aware of the requirements to keep the animals healthy and happy.
We have a 5 star rating issued by Cornwall Council and are fully licensed under the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 - A copy of which can be seen here.
Responsible Livestock Retailer