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Trimar Aquaria and Reptiles

  • Sterbai Corydoras

Sterbai Corydoras


The Sterbai cory is distinguishable from other Corydoras species as it has white spots on a black background on its head.

Like many Corydoras species, the Sterbai cory is a shoaling catfish, and thus should ideally be kept in groups of 5 or more. it prefers prefer soft, acidic water. However, the Sterbai cory is a hardy fish and tank bred specimens have adapted to a wider range of water conditions. However, like almost all fish it will not tolerate high levels of nitrates.

Unlike some other catsish they are not good algae eaters, but are good at “cleaning up” leftover food and detritus from the bottom of your tank

The Sterbai cory is relatively small for catfish, growing to a maximum size of only 6.5 cm.

They readily accepts a wide variety of prepared and frozen foods. Flake food is a good staple diet (which will only be consumed once it has fallen to the bottom) as are sinking pellets or wafers. They relish live and frozen foods such as bloodworms, but ideally should only be fed such foods once a week due to the high amount of protein in them.

It is often be a little difficult to feed the Sterbai cory in the aquarium with fast feeding mid-water fish such as tetras as flake and sinking pellets are consumed by such fish before they have hit the bottom and sometimes, even while lying on the substrate. However, this problem can be overcome by placing pellets and flake on the aquarium substrate in caves or under driftwood, or other such areas which are not regularly frequented by mid-water fish.

As they are very peaceful catfish and can be kept with other peaceful fish. They should not be kept with overly aggressive bottom dwellers, particularly if there is competition over substrate space as there would be in small tanks or tanks with a large amount of decorations. Ideal companions would be similar sized tetras or particularly, dwarf cichlids.

  • Species – Corydoras sterbai
  • Common Name – Sterbai
  • Origin – South America
  • Diet – omnivore
  • PH Range – 6.8 – 7.2
  • Temperature – Tropical 24°c – 28°c
  • Breed Type – Egg Layer
  • Max Size – approximately 6.5cm