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Trimar Aquaria and Reptiles

  • Rosy Tetras

Rosy Tetras


The Rosy Tetra comes from South America, particularly in the Rio Guopore region of Paraguay and in the lower Amazon River Basin of Guyana, Suriname, and Brazil. The species is found in several river systems, including the Rio Essequibo, Rio Corantijn, and Rio Suriname. These tetras prefer the heavily forested, sluggish tributaries off of main rivers. The waters they inhabit are normally stained brown and very acidic. They live in schools in these river systems feeding mostly on small invertebrates.

The Rosy Tetra is a fun addition to a peaceful community aquarium with other smaller fishes. It has the deep-bodied shape of larger tetras, like the Bleeding Heart Tetra. This pretty little tetra has a deep salmon-coloured body highlighted with red accents and bright white tips on the fins. Hence, it is also known as the Rosy Tetra.

A happy fish, the Rosy Tetra has earned its place in the community aquarium. It is relatively hardy and moderately easy to care for, but it must have pristine water. It also does not tolerate water condition changes well, so it is best kept by an intermediate fish keeper. Although a bit of extra work is needed, it will reward the hobbyist with hours of entertainment.

Multiple companions are needed for this little fish and it will get along well with other small, peaceful tankmates. This loose-schooling fish should be kept in a small group. A minimum-sized school of 6 tetras is recommended. This group can consist of either its own kind or some of its close relatives, such as the White Fin Ornate tetra nd the Bleeding Heart Tetra. The White Fin Ornate Tetra is so similar, in fact, that the Rosy Tetra was at one time considered its subspecies.

Rosy Tetras will not show their beautiful colours unless they are fully content. Take care not to keep them with fish that bully them and be sure to provide them with a pleasant environment. They will enjoy an aquarium that is planted heavily around the edges for shelter with plenty of open room for swimming. Although they prefer soft, acidic water, many tank-bred specimens have spent their lives otherwise and will adapt.

Since they are omnivorous, the Rosy Tetra should be given a varied diet. They have fairly high vitamin requirements, so quality flake foods should make up about 60 to 80% of their diet. They love to chase after live foods and may occasionally nibble on plants or algae. These tetras like several feedings a day, but offer only what they can consume in 3 minutes or less at each feeding.

  • Species – Hyphessobrycon rosaceus
  • Common Name – Rosy Tetra
  • Origin – South America
  • Diet – Omnivore
  • PH Range – 6 – 7.5
  • Temperature – Tropical 24-28°c
  • Breed Type – egg layer