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Trimar Aquaria and Reptiles

  • Orange Venezuelan Corydoras

Orange Venezuelan Corydoras


The Orange Venezuela Cory Catfish (Corydoras schultzei “Orange Venezuela”) is a rare color variant of the Gold Flash Cory Catfish. It displays black and dark maroon coloration across its entire body. Despite its “Venezuela” name, it is not from Venezuela, but is instead indigenous to Peru.

The Orange Venezuela Cory Catfish is a very peaceful schooling fish that is compatible with most nano aquarium animals, including dwarf cichlids and angelfish. It might prey on some smaller dwarf shrimp, but is safe with larger shrimp and most other peaceful ornamental invertebrates. It is a classic scavenger and will inhabit and feed at the aquarium floor, which should be comprised of sand or smooth gravel. Very coarse substrate can damage its delicate barbels and underbelly, so it should be kept in an aquarium with sand or very smooth gravel substrate. This fish is otherwise undemanding as it will accept most dry,frozen, and live foods. It is adaptable to most tropical freshwater conditions as long as standard regular maintenance is performed and sudden changes are avoided. While it is a scavenger, care must be taken to ensure that it receives a good variety of high quality foods and is not simply expected to eat leftover food that other fish do not eat.

  • Species – Corydoras Schultzei
  • Common Name – Orange Venezuelan Cory
  • Origin – South America
  • Diet – omnivore
  • PH Range – 6.8 – 7.2
  • Temperature – Tropical 24°c – 28°c
  • Breed Type – Egg Layer
  • Max Size – approximately 6.5cm
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